Alexia Sang With Bitty McLean Plus Sly And Robbie At Bob Fest 2019

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Photo credit Alexia with Bitty McLean

I am a huge Bitty McLean fan and wow Sly And Robbie are just legendary!


Last year my girl Zena and I covered our first song together and it was "Walk Away From Love" By Bitty McLean. He happened to see it on Instagram and commented saying he would invite me up when he came to San Diego with Sly And Robbie. This was 9 months ago so I thought it was just a compliment, I had no idea when he would be coming at the time and by no means did I think he would really ask me to come up, that’s like his best song and the song everyone wants to see him sing. 


When he called me up I litterally wanted to run for the exit I was so scared! My heart dropped into my stomach! There’s so many people that I respect in that building so it was terrifying. But my friends encouraged me to get up there, you all are the best!


I seriously can’t even believe that I sang with Bitty McLean + Sly And Robbie but I did at 2am at WorldBeat Center for Tribute To The Reggae Legends aka Bob Fest! I’m still in shock and on cloud 9, seriously a dream come true and I will never forget this moment in time as long as I live. Blessed! --------❤️