West Virgina man quits growing Chickens to grow weed!

Green Revolution
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After the approval of the 2018 Farm Bill legalizing industrial hemp in the U.S., Mike Weaver a farmer is looking to grow hemp to make CBD products and more.

Oregon Hemp growing video:

Farmers are saying they hadn't gotten any well-deserved raises for nearly two decades and have become weary of continuing with fowl.

"When you go to the store, and you pay $2 or $3 for a pound of chicken, I get 5 cents of that and I raised that chicken," Weaver was quoted.

"I'm not going to raise chickens anymore," Weaver said. "Now, I'm developing an operation on my farm to start growing and processing industrial hemp and CBD oil products."

The to be "Ganja Farmer"  said part of the reason why he was attracted to making the switch to hemp was because of the large number of uses of the crop. Uses for hemp include thousands of products, like rope, oils, clothes, fibers similar to plastic, food and more.

Historically, hemp was one of the earliest grown crops in the area, serving as a cash crop for many farmers centuries ago, when hemp was necessary to create rigging for ships. Many of the founding fathers, including George Washington, grew hemp.

But in the 20th century, it was classified as a schedule one controlled substance due to its nearly identical genetic structure to marijuana, though hemp has far less THC than its psychedelic cousin.

Since the Farm Bill passed, hemp and its derived products are now legal on a federal level once again.

The West Virginian said he is in the process of renovating his chicken facilities so he can plant and grown hemp.

He thinks that he can grow his business and hire more workers. Thats what we call a green revolution! Plans are to begin planting hemp by the start of June.